Thursday, February 12, 2009

Stop the Negativity and Make Money Instead.

Right now a lot of people are feeling very insecure.

That's understandable. These are uncertain times. There's nothing but negativity, negativity, and more negativity about the economy in the news.

But do you know what? The news is ALWAYS about negativity. Sometimes it's about the war, sometimes it's about natural disasters, sometimes it's about a murder in a safe neighborhood much like the one you live in, and sometimes it's about the economy. But the news is ALWAYS about negativity.

I actually stopped watching the nightly news years ago because it never failed to make me feel bad. Then I got caught up watching it again over the last year because of the US presidential election. And I kept watching it after the election was over because I was in the habit. I wanted to stay up on the latest stories - like the economy.

Where did that get me? DEPRESSED. Feeling negative, just like the news wants me too. Tragedy and negativity sells on the TV news, and I DON'T WANT IT ANYMORE. I'm done with it. Enough is enough.

The newspapers are no better. Do you know why the newspapers are so negative? Because they are all FAILING BUSINESSES. They're caught up in the negative mindset. They report it and they live it. Layoffs, falling revenue and pay cuts, that's what the people who work at newspapers deal with. The Chicago Tribune, the NY Times, LA Times, Washington Post, they're all on the verge of bankruptcy? It's NOT A COINCIDENCE that this negativity and uncertainty is reflected in their news.

If you thought you were about to lose your job and your job was to write, what kind of stories do you think you would write? Negative ones! Job losses! Financial melt down! Companies going bankrupt!

This negative attitude just feeds on itself. You've of course heard the expression "You are what you eat". It doesn't stop there though. You are what you READ. You are what you expose yourself to. You are what you think. Negativity just builds more negativity.

Just put a stop to it! Stop watching the news and stop reading the newspaper. Stop voluntarily putting negative thoughts into your head.

Do you want to be a victim or do you want to take charge? Do you want to focus on fear or potential? Take control of what you put in your head. Take control of your thoughts. Take control of the direction of your life.

Do I sound like Dr Phil or something? Sorry but I'm being real here. You've probably seen that show. Some person with a messed up life who makes terrible decisions goes on the show. It's easy for Dr Phil to see what the problem is. It's easy for everyone in the audience to see what's wrong. Everybody watching TV at home is yelling at this idiot.

And they're all right. The person on show needs to take control of their life. They need to stop making decisions that are clearly bad. They need to take responsibility for their actions.

Most of us are the same way. I'm taking charge. I'm done with negativity. I'm going to make money. There's lots of money to be made still out there. Even with job losses, there are literally BILLIONS of dollars spent every single day. Fortunes were made during the great depression. New companies formed and they THRIVED while everyone else was caught up in "how bad things are".

Do you choose to live in Fear or choose to live in Hope?


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  1. Hey... would you be interested in posting this as an Editorial on ? It really fits with our views.

  2. Thanks for pointing out the site and I've submitted the story to Not Negative News

  3. Great! I've put it up, but I edited it including some quotes from this article. Thanks!
