Monday, January 26, 2009

Explode Open Rates with "Front Loaded" Subject Lines

So far in my posts about email marketing subject lines, we've talked about the importance of keeping your subject lines short, words that can trigger spam filters and being clear about the contents of an email. I'm going to return to the matter of subject line length and talk about how to maximize the short amount of space you have.

Testing shows that shorter email marketing subject lines have better open rates. Keep it short and simple. This gets your point across quickly and a short subject line has less of a chance of getting cut off in the recipients email program.

One of the main reasons this works is because then you can trim the fat from your subject down to the basic essentials. The person on your email lists can tell right away who it's from and whether or not it's worth opening.

To sweeten the deal, "Front Load" your email messages with the "trigger words" that are most likely to get that point across and get the open. Let them know what the benefit to opening your email will be, and let them know within the first three words. You can see how I applied that same theory to this email marketing blog post, with "Explode Open Rates". That's something that all email marketers want, right?

Get that point across QUICK! Let them know there's a BENEFIT they will receive for opening your email.

For more information and a free consultation, contact Orange Email Marketing, a full service email marketing company.

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